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(The Oxford Shakespeare) Hamlet

(The Oxford Shakespeare) Hamlet

by William Shakespeare , edited by G. R. Hibbard

출판 : Oxford University Press

발행연도 : 2008

Hamlet's combination of violence and introspection is unusual among Shakespeare's tragedies. It is also full of curious riddles and fascinating paradoxes, making it one of his most widely discussed plays.Professor Hibbard's illuminating and original introduction explains the process by which variant texts were fused in the eighteenth century to create the most commonly used text of today. Drawing on both critical and theatrical history, he shows how this gusion makes Hamlet seem a much more'prob...

ISBN : 9780199535811

도서상태 : 대출가능

소장일자 : 2024-01-22

소장도서관 : 책정원도서관

청구기호 : 다-영 843.6 S527h

법의학으로 보는 한국의 범죄 사건: 한국 최초 법의학자 문국진이 들려주는 사건 현장 이야기

법의학으로 보는 한국의 범죄 사건: 한국 최초 법의학자 문국진이 들려주는 사건 현장 이야기

문국진 지음

출판 : 알마

발행연도 : 2015

오랜 세월 동안 잊혀져왔던 한국의 법의학 드라마를 오늘날 다시금 살려보려는 취지에서 기획된 이 책 [법의학으로 보는 한국의 범죄 사건]은 20여 년 전 《새튼이》와 《지상아 1, 2》에 실린 이야기들 중 오늘날에도 의미 있을 법한 꼭지들을 세심하게 간추려 엮었다. 책은 법의학적인 시사점은 물론이고, 그 당시 한국 사회를 잘 보여줄 수 있는 글들을 두루 선정했으며, 현대적인 글맛을 살려 글을 리라이팅하는 한편, 감각적인 일러스트를 가미해 오늘날의 독자들이 흥미진진하게 읽을 수 있도록 구성했다.

ISBN : 9791185430706

도서상태 : 대출가능

소장일자 : 2024-01-22

소장도서관 : 책정원도서관

청구기호 : 517.96 문16ㅂ

Free Food for Millionaires

Free Food for Millionaires

by Min Jin Lee

출판 : Head of Zeus

발행연도 : 2021

The brilliant debut novel from the New York Times-bestselling author of Pachinko. 'Ambitious, accomplished, engrossing ... As easy to devour as a nineteenth-century romance' NEW YORK TIMES. Casey Han's years at Princeton have given her a refined diction, an enviable golf handicap, a popular white boyfriend and a degree in economics. But no job, and a number of bad habits. The elder daughter of working-class Korean immigrants, Casey inhabits a New York a world away from that of her parents. As...

ISBN : 9781801105323

도서상태 : 대출가능

소장일자 : 2024-01-22

소장도서관 : 책정원도서관

청구기호 : 다-영 843.6 L477f

DallerGut Dream Department Store: The Dream You Ordered is Sold Out

DallerGut Dream Department Store: The Dream You Ordered is Sold Out

by Miye Lee , translated by Sandy Joosun Lee

출판 : Wildfire

발행연도 : 2023

|| THE NO.1 KOREAN BESTSELLER WITH OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLD || || THE NO.1 KOREAN BESTSELLER WITH OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLD || In a mysterious town that lies hidden in our collective subconscious, there's a quaint little store where all kinds of dreams are sold ... Day and night, visitors both human and animal from all over the world shuffle in sleepily in their pyjamas, lining up to purchase their latest adventure. Each floor in the department store sells a special kind of dream, includin...

ISBN : 9781035412730

도서상태 : 대출가능

소장일자 : 2024-01-22

소장도서관 : 책정원도서관

청구기호 : 다-영 813.7 이38ㄷ

And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None

by Agatha Christie

출판 : HarperCollins

발행연도 : 2011

The Queen of Mystery has come to Harper Collins! Agatha Christie, the acknowledged mistress of suspense?creator of indomitable sleuth Miss Marple, meticulous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, and so many other unforgettable characters?brings her entire oeuvre of ingenious whodunits, locked room mysteries, and perplexing puzzles to Harper Paperbacks…including And Then There Were None, the world’s bestselling mystery, in which ten strangers, each with a dark secret, are lured to a mansion on an un...

ISBN : 9780062073488

도서상태 : 대출가능

소장일자 : 2024-01-22

소장도서관 : 책정원도서관

청구기호 : 다-영 843.6 C555a